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Tracking Dogs - The Nose Job


Tracking Dogs - The Nose Job
By Rodrigo Trigosso

Tracking dogs follow a lost person's path from a starting point to where the person is. These dogs are able to seek lost people because they are trained to discriminate human scents. In other words, they don't seek for any human scent, but for one particular scent.

There are two main types of tracking tasks: wilderness search and urban search.

Urban tracking is usually more difficult for the dogs because the tracks have every kind of odors, including other people scent, pets scent and other scents. In addition, odors don't last long on artificial surfaces like pavement. And, as if it wasn't difficult enough, there could be lots of distractions while the dog is tracking: several people walking around, other pets nearby, etc.

On the other hand, wilderness search seems to be more amicable to dogs because tracks tend to have less people's scent and natural surfaces retains odors for longer time. In addition, natural surfaces could provide dogs with a potential second source of information: the contact or disturbance odor.

Since these dogs discriminate odors, they need two things to begin tracking:

- A starting point, also known as the Point Last Seen (PLS)

- An uncontaminated odor sample

The Point Last Seen (PLS) could be the last place where the lost person was actually seen or a place where that person was known to be. For instance, tracking can start in the place where the car of a person is, whether the person was seen there or not.

The uncontaminated odor sample is an article with the person's scent. Pillow covers and pajamas are great odor samples, but clothes and other articles could be useful. The most important thing is to keep the sample uncontaminated, so it must be handled with pincers and carried in Ziploc or brown paper bags (common waste bags are treated with chemicals to alter odors, so they are not useful for this task).

Usually, tracking dogs work on-leash (a 30-feet leash attached to a harness). However, on-leash work is not mandatory and some tracking dogs work off-leash.

Bloodhound is the preferred breed for tracking, though any dog can be trained to do this activity.

-- Tracking vs. trailing

Tracking and trailing dogs are not the same thing. The formers search with their nose to the ground while the latter combines that strategy with air scenting.

Nevertheless, both tracking and trailing dogs follow the path of a particular person (they discriminate scents). Thus, tracking and trailing dogs are used for the same purpose.

-- Scenting squashed insects

Contact odor is the odor (and perhaps some visual information) generated by environmental disturbance occurred while a person walks. For instance, scent of broken branches or squashed insects.

Although tracking dogs can't follow a path just by the contact odor, some experts suggest it could be a secondary source of information (maybe also visual information) under certain circumstances.

About the Author
Rodrigo Trigosso is a biologist and professional dog trainer. His website at http://www.dog-training-tutorial.com provides objective and reliable information on dog training and behavior.

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Caring For Your Senior Dog: Top 10 Tips To Help Your Arthritic Dog

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Caring For Your Senior Dog: Top 10 Tips To Help Your Arthritic Dog
By Debra Primovic

Dog arthritis is one of the most common diseases that affect canines, especially large breed dogs (60-90 lbs). Just as human arthritis, dog arthritis tends to get worse with age

Here are 10 tips that may help your arthritic dog:

1. Slip-free Flooring. Hardwood and tile floors are slippery and can be very difficult for dogs with arthritis to move around. Placing carpet or area rugs will help secure your dog's footing. This can help prevent your dog from slipping and getting injured.

2. A Soft Bed. Soft bedding can help support your dog's bones and joints and make your pet more comfortable. This can be especially important in thin dogs in which bony prominences are likely to rub on hard surfaces. Some beds are made especially for dogs with arthritis, such as waterbeds, hammock beds, and beds with plenty of extra cushion.

3. Ramps or Cubes. Stairs and furniture can become difficult obstacles for your aging companion. Ramps or specially designed cubes can help pets safely climb stairs, get into or out of bed or get in
and out of your vehicle. Ramps can be made of plastic or wood and are available from many pet catalogs. A new product called "Puppy Stairs" are soft modular cubes that fit together in combinations that permit pets to climb up or down from beds or sofas. These cubes are made of soft rubber, have rounded corners and washable covers.

4. Medication. Various medications are available that can help your dog feel better. Medications include drugs such as Deramaxx®, Rimadyl® or Etogesic®. These drugs are classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and work to suppress inflammation and pain. Other medications such as Cosequin® can also be beneficial by providing your dog's body with necessary nutrients for cartilage repair and function. See your veterinarian to discuss if any of these medications could benefit your dog.

5. Peace & Quiet. As your dog ages, he may not be as tolerant or patient as he used to be. Sore joints make it difficult for your pet to enjoy rambunctious playful children. Supervise playtime and consider keeping your dog away from very young children. Even parties and holiday time can be distressing for an arthritic dog. Your dog may want to join in the festivities regardless of the discomfort. To reduce joint pain and inflammation, you may want to limit your arthritic dog's time as the center of attention.

6. Massage. By massaging your dog, you can increase his or her flexibility, circulation, calmness and a general sense of wellness. Professional animal massage therapists are available to provide your pet a more thorough treatment.

7. Weight Control and Dietary Therapy. Arthritis is more of a problem in obese pets. Weight loss can be beneficial by reducing the workload on your dog's bones and joints. In addition to basic weight loss, there are diets formulated for dogs with arthritis that may be beneficial for your dog. Diets, such as Hills® Science Diet® j/d™ and Purina® JM Joint Mobility™ have been shown to help dogs with arthritis maintain weight, reduce pain and improve mobility.

8. Exercise. Modest daily exercise can help some dogs. Special care is needed, so it is important to first see your veterinarian, who can recommend an appropriate exercise program. Exercise can strengthen your dog's muscles and ligaments thus reducing your dog's injury potential and risk.

9. Extra Time. Don't rush a dog with arthritis. It often takes them extra time to walk, climb stairs or get in and out of the car. Support and help your arthritic dog if needed or just give your pet the extra time to get around.

10. Grooming. Grooming should not be neglected, especially in the older dog. Arthritic dogs have a difficult time keeping themselves clean, especially in those hard to reach areas. Help your dog stay clean by trimming the hair around the rear end. Brushing will help remove mats and tangles, which can injure delicate older skin. Follow these top 10 tips, and you'll be able to keep your arthritic dog living longer, stronger, happier and healthier.

About the Author
With her PetPlace.com columns, Dog safety and health expert, Dr. Debra Primovic has helped thousands of dog owners keep their dogs living longer and stronger. For more information, check out www.petplace.com for 8,000+ veterinarian approved articles guaranteed to keep you from compromising the care of your dog.

Article Source: http://www.simplysearch4it.com/author-articles/11576/1.html

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Tips on Obedience Training For Your Pet Dog

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Tips on Obedience Training For Your Pet Dog
By Benz Slow

A well-trained and an obedient dog is what you desire for your pet dog. You want your pet dog to behave everywhere you take him. You want him to know what is right and wrong to avoid causing trouble anywhere, whether in your house or in public. This is why you teach and train your pet dog. You train your pet dog to obey your commands and to discipline them. But how will you do it? Are you capable of training your pet dog?

You may think that obedience training for your pet dog is a very hard and time consuming thing to do. The truth is obedience training for your pet dogs can be very easy if you have the patience and dedication to do so.

Here are some useful tips for you to take into account on obedience training for your pet dog:

• First is observation. Observe carefully the different activities of your pet dog. When dogs are about to do something, they usually give out signs or warning signals. Excreting is a typical example for this. Pay attention and make a note of the time of the day and behavioral signs that your pet dog may exhibit when about to excrete.

• Let your pet dog go outside the house. Just see to it that your pet doesn't destroy your plants or whatever. Do this everyday at the same time. Allow your pet dog to choose the place where he can excrete.

• Accompany your pet dog until he's done excreting.

• A lot of patience is required for puppy owners. This is because your puppy will cry and is uncomfortable at night on the first few nights. You have to be patient in taking your puppy out every time he wants to do his thing if you want to train him successfully.

• Never use ammonia-based cleaners if you own a dog. Ammonia-based cleaners smell more like urine. Your pet dog will likely pee in every corner of the house is you use this in cleaning your house.

• It is a great experience for your pet dog if you let him roll over by giving his tummy a rub. If they showed submissiveness towards you then it is an indication that your pet dog is deferment in your leadership.

• Always give praise to your pet dog whenever he displays good behavior by giving rewards such as treats or foods. You will become more successful in training your pet dog if you focus on his good behavior rather than punishing him for bad behaviors.

• Avoid the inappropriate way of reprimanding your pet dog. Don't be a rude owner. Don't punish your pet dog by slapping, kicking or sticking his nose on the mess every time he makes a mess. Do the right way of reprimanding your dog.

• Always take the lead. Dogs are living in packs, they need hierarchies to follow. Set the rules for your pet dog then observe for positive behavioral changes. Remember that you and your pet dog are working as a team.

Communicating with your pet dog by teaching him what to do and what not to do is the most important ability required in dog obedience guidance. It is the so-called effective communication between you and your pet dog. By applying this, your pet dog will be able to obey some of your commands. Just make sure that your obedience training lessons for your pet dog are not boring.

In enforcing obedience training for your pet dog, understanding and fulfilling his basic needs including constructive social interaction, shelter, security, food, water, safety and proper exercise are helpful.

Obedience training for your pet dog would definitely take some time and a lot of your patience, determination and reliability. After all your hard work, you'll be rewarded with a well-trained and obedient dog. It's a priceless accomplishment. Nevertheless, a dog is like a family member wherein in you should also give the same care and love.

About the Author
Benz Slow is a dog trainer and a writer of http://www.the-dog-training-method.com.

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Obedience Training For Your Pet Dog

Obedience Training For Your Pet Dog
Obedience Training For Your Pet DogBy
Benz Slow

Dog is considered as man's best friend although it is an animal. Its thinking capacity is not like as that of the human being and that's why behavioral problem of dog occurs. These behavioral problems can lead to poor relationship between you and your pet dog.

If your pet dog has no proper training, it will act just the same with any other animal. Untrained dogs will bark excessively, dig holes, fight with other animals, destroy your furniture, soil your house, steal food, jump up on people and may even bite you. The said dog activities are all normal to canines. What you need to do is to train your pet dog to redirect its natural canine to some acceptable outlets of the society and to prevent behavioral problems.

Obedience training is the best way to solve your pet dog's behavioral problem. It's like communicating with your dog and teaching him what is right and wrong. Through obedience training, a language between you and your dog will somehow be created. With this, the two of you can have effective communication. Effective communication would enable your pet dog to obey some of your commands and instructions such as come here, shake hands and sit down.

Training your pet dog to be obedient is also another means of showing that you are in command. To establish the so-called social hierarchy, you must train your pet dog to be a good subordinate. Dogs take pleasure in responding simple instructions like stand, sit, come, get in and go out.

Other than being able to build a good relationship with your pet dog, obedience training can bring pleasure as well. Beyond doubt you will feel that having your pet dog is truly amusing. You can even permit a greater amount of your pet dog freedom.

So when is the best time of obedience training for your pet dog?

You may start it now. Whether it is still a puppy or an adult dog, it doesn't really matter. Your pet dog's behavior constantly changes. You cannot predict your pet's dog behavior from time to time.

Certainly there are two well-liked and effective method that you may apply for your pet dog training. They are the reward training and the collar/leash training. Reward training is less intense compared to the collar/leash training. In the reward method, the dog will be rewarded or given a simple praise after it was encouraged for doing some of the commands or after it exhibits good behavior. It is important to give some means of reward for good behavior because the learning process will possibly be faster. Also remember that your pet dog can acknowledge the praising you are giving. Reward and praise are important to keep your pet dog's fine behavior.

When time comes there is a need for you to reprimand your pet dog, make sure it is immediate, short and sharp. Steer clear from nagging your pet dog and punish him only when caught doing something wrong. When reprimanding your pet dog, make sure to do it in a nice way. If it has done something wrong then show and teach him the way you want him to do and if he obeys, give him a reward or praise him. In addition, bear in mind to never slap, spank, kick or hit your pet dog. By doing so, you will never earn your pet dog's obedience.

For more information about dog training, visit http://www.the-dog-training-method.com.

About the Author
Benz Slow is a dog trainer and a writer of http://www.the-dog-training-method.com.

Article Source: http://www.simplysearch4it.com/author-articles/11563/1.html

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Giving Anesthesia To An Old Dog Kills!


Giving Anesthesia To An Old Dog Kills!
By: Daniel Millions

Up until the late fifties and early sixties, the successful outcome of many surgical procedures for older dogs was somewhat uncertain. This was due in small part to the surgical techniques and materials employed at the time, but primarily to the types of anesthetics that were available then.

Those anesthetics were often unpredictable, sometimes produced longer periods of anesthesia than were needed for the operation, and they had to be detoxified and eliminated largely by the liver and kidneys, organs which usually are already under stress in the older dog.

These problems sometimes prompted many conscientious veterinarians to advise clients that "your dog is too old to anesthetize or be operated on." What they were really saying was that the risk from surgery and anesthesia was at least as great, or greater, than the risk from whatever was wrong with the dog.

Today that situation has radically changed. Anesthetizing a seriously ill older dog is still in the high-risk category, but the chances of a successful outcome are tremendously improved. The new types of anesthetics give excellent control over the depth and time of anesthesia and allow for rapid recovery to a normal, conscious state.

Many of the newer and much safer injectable anesthetics can be used alone for general anesthesia or, in combination with some gas anesthetics, to provide "balanced anesthesia." And certainly, the ready availability of artificial respirators which can breathe for your dog has both increased the overall safety of anesthesia as well as permitted surgery within the chest cavity for some types of cardiac and lung disorders.

No dog should be considered "too old" for surgery or anesthesia if otherwise in reasonable health. The aging kidneys and liver still must detoxify much of the anesthetic, aging lungs can make inhalant anesthetics more difficult to control, and heart disease does increase the overall danger. There still is risk, but it is a calculated risk, usually weighted on the side of success.

In today's modern veterinary hospitals and clinics, surgery is done under conditions similar to those found in human hospitals. Everything is done to keep the surgical area sterile, which includes doctors scrubbing before surgery and wearing sterile cap, mask, and gown.

All instruments, surgical drapes, and any piece of equipment that will come in contact with the patient is sterilized. The surgery is performed in a separate operating room, which is used only for sterile surgery. While each operating room will vary in the variety of equipment available, it will have whatever is needed for the particular operation being done.

If your veterinarian's hospital is not equipped to perform a particular type of surgery, he will refer you to a colleague who does have the necessary equipment, or he may do the surgery himself but in his colleague's hospital.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Dog lovers check out this English Bulldog pet website and pet classifieds resource.

Early Training For Dog Shows Explained


Early Training For Dog Shows Explained
If you want to show your dog, certain things could have, or should have, been done while you were waiting for your puppy to grow up. Let's take just a little time right now and discuss how to do one of them.

Let's start with the lead-breaking of your puppy since it is so important to the sound attractive stylish gait of a show dog. Let's assume that when you bought him he had never been on a lead.

After trying many methods, here is the one I like best.

Start training the puppy just as soon as you get him. If you keep him in a run or pen, every time you take him on a lead you should keep in mind that this will be his training period. However, if the puppy lives in the house with you and, at least in the beginning, has to be taken out on a lead to relieve himself, there should be a difference in the manner in which you and the puppy behave while he is on the lead.

Don't try to lead-break him for shows when he has other and more important business on his mind. Allow the puppy to sniff the ground and use a longer lead, giving him ample time to take care of his duties. If he is allowed to roam where he wants to and when he wants to he will scarcely be aware of the fact that he is on a lead and the duties will be taken care of quickly. With that important business out of the way you can then settle down to the training.

Now tighten up on the lead. Shorten it by crumpling it in one hand. Put the collar as far forward under the dog's jaw as you can. He will resent it - perhaps fight it - some dogs jumping into the air and screaming as though they had been hurt. Wait until he quiets down and then start walking in the direction you want to go and talk to the dog.

Call him by name and keep your voice pleasant. Don't drag him but keep the lead taut so he can feel in which direction he is being coaxed to go. As soon as he takes a few steps with you, praise him loudly and keep encouraging him to go along. After he goes along, try releasing the lead a bit and if he keeps going - fine! If not, use short jerks to keep him going. After the puppy goes along a reasonable distance, stop and pat him, praise him to the skies.

Then start out again. Repeat this performance several times and until he goes along with you without your having to tug at him. Then praise him some more, reward him with a tidbit if you wish and stop the training on a pleasant note. You should not have to do this too often before your puppy will be lead-broken. While he is a puppy he is so easily led and he is so anxious to please that it pays dividends if you master this early.

Getting away from your dog for a moment, let's talk about you - your appearance at a show. Your clothes are very important. Remember the saying, "Clothes make the man" ? It's something to think about. There is nothing that is going to happen to your very good suit at a dog show that would not happen to it anywhere else.

Too many men and women save their old clothes to wear to the shows, and when they are in the ring they look as though they didn't care. Also, if you wear something that is not suitable, you, instead of your dog, will catch the passing eye.

There are many more things that could be said about training your dog for show. However, follow these pointers and you will be off to a good start. Good luck!

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Discover The Amazing Secrets Of A Master Dog Grooming School! Click here for FREE online Ebook www.doggroomingschool.net/

Dog Breeding Explained


Dog Breeding Explained
Dog Breeding ExplainedBy: Jimmy Cox

The mark to be aimed at in dog breeding is improvement - improvement of your own stock, improvement in the quality of the puppies which you raise, and finally, improvement of the breed itself.

Many owners argue against the purebred dog. They maintain that mongrels must be smarter than thoroughbred specimens, because performing dogs are practically always mixed breeds. This is true, of course, but the average vaudeville performer who trains these animals is like the rest of us in that he would find it rather expensive to finance the establishment of a troupe of thoroughbreds.

I think that is a lot more likely to be the reason for the performing mutts than any greater degree of intelligence on their part. As a matter of fact, I have trained both thoroughbreds and mixed breeds, and I have no hesitation in saying that the purebred dog showed more sagacity and was more amenable to discipline.

A good point to remember is never to breed dogs which have an hereditary fault, unless it is a minor one and is more than balanced by his outstanding good points. Some people claim that a dog with a fault should never under any circumstances be bred, but I am of the opinion that conditions sometimes alter cases.

Suppose a sire throws pups which come quite close to the standard in every respect but one, and that one fault shows through several litters. It stands to reason that a pup from such a sire will never go to the top in the show ring, but it may be a valuable link in obtaining something better when bred to the right specimen of the opposite sex with the object of overcoming the fault. If the fault is a major one, however, I would advise against breeding the dog.

An important aspect to consider will be the pup's coat. This is just as hereditary as the bone structure, the disposition, or the occlusion of the teeth.

Some blood lines produce better coats than others. Since it is hereditary, a poor natural coat cannot be improved, and all the attention in the world will not change it into a glistening, luxuriant growth. The best that can be done for a poor-coated dog is to keep what he has in as good condition as possible and breed for better coats in the next generation.

When breeding, the most important thing to remember is to keep to the correct type unless you know that you can improve it. A cross-breed from some back alley may be sound in body. He may even move well, but he lacks type - that blending of the characteristics of his breed which marks the thoroughbred. We all hope some day to breed the perfect specimen, but there are other things to consider than skeletons and the coats which cover them. It would not be much satisfaction to breed a beautiful specimen with a nervous or ugly disposition.

Dogs have to be useful as well as ornamental in order to survive. From the smallest toy to the largest working dog, they should not know the meaning of fear but should always be ready to stand up for their rights. Nervous, high-strung dogs whose only redeeming feature is their adherence to good type, are often refused recognition in the ring because of these faults.

If either the dog or the bitch is only a fair specimen, inbreeding should not be attempted. The object of inbreeding is not to reproduce all the family characteristics, but just the outstanding good points which the dog or bitch possesses. The brother-sister, mother-son, or father-daughter cross should be carefully thought out, and in each case, both dogs should be of exceptionally high quality.

Never breed shy, weak, or nervous bitches, and do not breed any bitch until she has attained her full development. Unless she is exceptionally late in coming into her first heat, it is better to give her the extra time for development rather than to breed her.

Much more can be said about breeding dogs, but these are some useful; points to get you thinking. You are on your way!

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Long Lost Manuscript Resurfaces With Everything You Need To Know About Dog Breeding! Click here for FREE online Ebook www.dogbreedingsecrets.net/

Not So Smelly Dog Grooming


Not So Smelly Dog Grooming

Do you like the smell of dirty dog? Do you like seeing your pet infested with fleas or ticks? There is a high chance that you do not. The answer to this problem is to make sure your pet undergoes regular dog grooming.

It is not always easy to do, especially if your pet is not used to taking baths or having its hair cut but it is essential to maintaining a healthy coat and body.

Dog books and experts agree that dog grooming is an excellent way to foster a bond between pet owner and pet. It allows consistent contact and it helps assure the pet that its needs are being met in a safe way.

It keeps the pet's appearance healthy and make sure that allergies in the home are kept to a minimum. The grooming starts with the basics. You do not have to have expensive equipment nor do you have to always turn to be an animal wiz.

Basic dog beauty treatments begin in much the same way that you, yourself, spruce up. Start with an adequate bathtub with a hose attachment to the shower. Pets Mart sells a variety of shampoos and conditioning agents to help the grooming along.

Make sure the bathtub area is cleared of all clutter. If this is your puppy's first bath then it might not be quite as calm as you would want.

Start the shower, making sure the water temperature is tepid to warm, and make sure that your supplies are very close. The best idea is to have a dog training collar attached to a short leash and have the leash held by someone else while you do the dirty, or rather clean, work.

Dog grooming starts with the bath. After the bathing is done and the pet is dried off then the entertainment begins.

Many dogs, after a bath, will run through the house rubbing on the carpet and will give a free show of their exuberance. After they have gotten over the rush, calm them down by gently brushing out their coat.

It will remove any loose hair or dander still remaining. You can then clip their nails if you are feeling comfortable enough to do this.

If you own a breed of pet that requires a special hair cut or is exceedingly large, consider taking them into a local dog groomer who has the facilities to take care of your pet.

Dog grooming is a lot of work at times but it is worth it to see your pet healthy and have a beautiful coat. You will not have to worry about matted hair or the smell of a dog that has rolled around in something that it should not have.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Mike Selvon has some great puppy training for the pet lover, where you can find out more about dog grooming. We appreciate your feedback at our pet training blog.

Becoming a Certified Dog Trainer


Becoming a Certified Dog Trainer
Becoming a Certified Dog Trainer


Television can bring to light many different types of careers. One of these is being a certified dog trainer. This is an ideal career is a person loves to work around animals.

It may not be a traditional job in an office but it is a career in which someone is doing what they love. The trainer is instrumental in teaching both the pet and owner how to bond and interact with each other. It is very satisfying to know that your knowledge and skill is being passed on to other animal lovers.

Becoming a certified dog trainer begins with a love of animals. It requires patience and a desire to interact with the animal. Dog obedience training takes knowledge and a compassionate nature in order for there to be success.

Most people do not turn to a certified dog trainer until there is an obvious sign of dog aggression and then the battle begins. Training starts when the animal first comes home and continues throughout the life-time of the canine.

Most training programs begin with the basics. The basics understand pet aggression, knowing animal physiology and psychology as well as learning how to communicate with the dog.

Puppy training is where most people come into contact with their first problems. A certified trainer takes classes on how to deal with a puppy just as a school teacher would a child.

Once the basics of dog behavior are down, then begin the specialized coursework designed to train a pet through a variety of methods. The instruction will teach how to use a variety of instruction in order to train the pet such as through a clicker or through positive reinforcement.

Other steps include teaching safety to the owners as well as the dog. It is also important to learn how to deal with dogs that are more difficult to deal with due to a past history of violence or pet fighting.

Once the coursework is complete, the certified dog trainer is ready to begin. There are a variety of places to work such as pet supply stores, kennels or even opening up a business.

One great example of a certified trainer is Cesar Millan who works with troubled dogs and their owners on his hit television show 'The Dog Whisperer' airing on cable.

A freelance trainer will not punch a clock or find them working day-in and day-out within the confines of an office building. There is the freedom of working outdoors and getting to play while being paid.

If you decide to work for a company such as Pets Mart then you can get benefits as well. You may never be famous but you will be important to the people you help.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Mike Selvon has some great puppy training for the pet lover, where you can find out more about the certified dog trainer. We appreciate your feedback at our pet training blog.

Training Your Dog To Heel


Training Your Dog To Heel
By: Anthony Stai

One of the first commands your dog learns ought to be the 'HEEL' command. This command will be useful in insuring the security of your dog while out in public and will make you look like the proprietor of a well-mannered and lovable dog. To add to the magnificence of all this, the command itself is rather easy and almost any dog can be taught the meaning of the command with 30 minutes or so of effort.

So what is the function of the 'heel' command? This one word command tells your dog that the animal is to saunter in a straight line at your side, not earlier than or following you. This provides security for your dog in public places as well as for yourself. The command keeps your dog at your side rather than running throughout the picnic blankets of recreational area goers and, if you possess a larger more menacing breed, makes you appear a less friendly target to would-be criminal elements.

Wow, that sounds great' How do I educate my dog? Well, it isn't as tricky as you might believe. There are two all-purpose methods of training. One uses merely positive reinforcement and the other uses a combination of both positive and negative strategy. First we will discuss the positive reinforcement method.

In this technique, you have to first put your dog on a short leash and acquire quite a few of the dogs preferred foodstuff treats, little pieces of dried out kibble from the animals dog food is normally appropriate. Decide which side you have a preference your dog to walk on and train from this side in the subsequent manner. With the dog by your side, in front of in the same direction, put a treat in your hand subsequently to your hip. In a hard, yet kind voice, say 'heel' and walk onward. When the dog responds by stepping with you, commend them and reward them with the treat. Remember to be consistent and not to reward prior to the feat is carried out, yet at all times reward for a good performance. With a lot of patience, this technique will work fine for most dogs and results in a close bonding of the dog to the owner. However, some dogs are just naturally harder to train, just like some people. If you are blessed with one of these independent and physically powerful willed pets then you might have to avail yourself of a different technique of training, which was mentioned previous in this discussion.

To use the second training technique, you have to start with a somewhat longer leash of approximately seven to ten feet. Allow your dog a little moments to travel around the boundaries of the leash and understand how it works. Then call the animal to your side and position manually as before with the animal next to you, facing the same direction. In a hard voice, say 'heel' and walk onward. At this time, the dog will most likely not walk with you. It will, in its place, begin to travel around most probable running in a different direction than wherever you are leading. To fix this behavior, revolve in the opposite direction of the pets' direction of travel and take a few steps onward, fairly briskly, as you hoist the leash to shoulder height and let it play out after you. The outcome of this act will be seen as the animal rapidly reaches the finish of the leash and their onward impetus teaches them the era aged physics lesson that 'Every deed has an equivalent and opposite reaction.' The animal will fairly rapidly learn that to refuse to comply the heel command results in a discomforting feeling from the abrupt stop at the end of the leash and, after a short while, will be taught to abide by the command. When the dog reaches the condition of obedience, be certain to reward them with lots of positive reinforcements, such as play time and treats, along with rich spoken praise.

Whichever of these methods you choose in the training of your dog, the 'heel' command is certain to go a long way in making you a greatly more contented dog owner who will be proud to demonstrate your dog anyplace. Remember to train with love, patience and consistency and your dog will return you with devotion and many, many years of companionship.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several pet related topics including dog training. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Dog Training informational web site located at www.petinformation4you.com

You Dog Training Attitude is Everything

You Dog Training Attitude is Everything

By: Anthony Stai

There is nothing more critical to the victory of dog training than the owner's attitude. The mindset of the trainer is more significant than the equipment purchased, the correct scheme used, or the breed of dog involved. Nothing can obliterate the chances of effective training more rapidly than an owner with the wrong attitude on the training process.

Dogs naturally long for and enjoy human camaraderie. When their human companions come up to them in the right way, they are particularly receptive to learning and develop a strong need to act in a manner that will please their master. This is why a proper attitude is very important with respect to training dogs. When the owner is pleasant, the dog will be pleasant. When the owner is thrilled about lessons, the dog will most likely be thrilled about learning. Dogs can frequently reflect the attitudes and dispositions of their owners, a truth that must be kept in mind while undertaking dog training.

Additionally, the proper view on dog training can make the experience infinitely more pleasing for the owner. A pleasing training experience will naturally create improved instruction on the part of the trainer. Again, proper attitude will pay training dividends.

So, what is the right attitude to bring to dog training? Owners should strive to keep an encouraging viewpoint at all times and should strive for a disposition that makes the procedure fun for both the dog and the trainer. Failure to approach training with such an attitude risks tragedy. The correct attitude and perspective really is the prerequisite to training success.

The owner should be positive. A positive viewpoint, of course, works in combination with any quality training method. Effective training requires constructive reinforcement, and that kind of praise and love is best administered by someone who in general presents a positive attitude. Training will be packed with compliments, encouragement and praise. Those rewards, which are the key module to training, are more possible to be correctly and successfully administered by a trainer with a optimistic disposition.

Trainers should recognize that they can manage to be both firm and welcoming at the same time. It is not required to affect an angry or severe tone during the training procedure. These caricatures of displeasure do not present any more training value than use of a straightforward solemn tenor. A inferior tenor with a stern 'bite' is more than sufficient. When praising and instructing, the owner must bear in mind to use a very welcoming and pleased voice. The dog will thrive knowing his owner enjoys their interaction so much and will be very motivated to be taught as a result.

Most significantly the trainer must for all time keep in mind that dog training is supposed to be fun. It should be fun for the trainer and just as fun for the pet. The idea is to make the training procedure exhilarating and pleasing for the pet as is possible. By making the process a pleasure, the dog is specially motivated to perform.

Too frequently training becomes nothing more than a obligatory chore. The owner does not enjoy the opportunity to spend time with his or her dog. The dog understands this and does not get energized at the prospect, either. In worse cases, training becomes an unwelcome chore. The negative disposition and attitude of the owner is sensed undoubtedly by the dog and mirrored. Training advancement stalls, irritation sets in, and the entire procedure becomes more crippled.

The cliche that 'attitude is everything' actually does depict dog training. A unconstructive or harsh attitude will squash hopes of accomplishment. A constructive viewpoint coupled with sociability and a sense of fun will make training a treat.

A fun disposition also makes training more pleasant for the dog owner. The trainer's optimistic attitude creates a more constructive disposition for the pet, which in turn improves the trainer's attitude even more. By starting the training procedure with a rock-hard optimistic attitude, the owner gets the ball rolling, so to speak. The end result can be a training experience that is enjoyed by both pet and owner, which is in no doubt to produce astounding results. By approaching training with a optimistic disposition, a dog owner can create astonishing and positive outcomes.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several pet related topics including dog training. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Dog Training informational web site located at www.petinformation4you.com

Dog Training - Leash/Collar Training


Dog Training - Leash/Collar Training

Dog Training - Leash/Collar Training

By: Anthony Stai

There are many different styles of dog training, and finding the one that works best for you is important for creating a dog that is a talented, loyal and faithful member of the family. All successful methods of dog training work to reinforce the relationship between dog and handler, and the foundation of any successful training program is getting the respect of the dog. Fortunately, dogs are wired by nature to seek out leaders, and to follow the direction of those leaders.

This article focuses on one of the most popular methods of dog training - the so called leash/collar style of training. Other articles will focus on the other popular style of training dogs, often called reward training or positive reinforcement.

Both leash/collar training and reward training have been around for a very long time, and they have proven their effectiveness over time. The type of training that works best will vary from dog to dog, and from breed to breed. It is important to remember that each breed of dog has its own unique qualities, reinforced by hundreds of years of selective breeding.

Of course personalities of individual dogs vary quite a bit, even within established breeds. You, as the owner of the dog, know better than anyone which style of dog training will work best, so it is important to work with the trainer you choose to achieve your goal of a willing, obedient and friendly dog.

Leash and collar training is the best way to accomplish many types of dog training, particularly in situations where the dog must have a high level of reliability. For instance, dogs that have an important job to do, such as rescue dogs, police dogs and guard dogs, generally benefit from leash and collar training.

In leash and collar training, varying degrees of force can be used, ranging from slight prompts with the lead to very harsh corrections. The amount of correction used should be appropriate to the situation, since using too much correction, or too little, will be ineffective.

In a collar and leash based dog training program, first the dog is taught a particular behavior, generally with the leash. After the dog has demonstrated that it understands the command, the leash is then used to correct the dog if it disobeys, or when it makes a mistake. The leash is the main form of controlling and communicating with the dog in leash and collar training.

When using leash and collar training, the dog must be trained to trust the handler and accept his or her directions without question. In order for the dog to be fully trained, the handler must demonstrate the ability to place the dog into a posture or position he or she does not want to take. This does not mean using force, but it does generally require some level of physical manipulation. This manipulation is most easily and safely done using the main tool of leash and collar training - the leash.

It is important for every would be dog trainer to understand that the leash is simply a tool. While the leash is an important tool in this form of training, it is important for the dog trainer to be able to eventually achieve the same results using whatever tools are at hand.

Even when the only tools at hand are the owner's body and skill, the dog should be willing to obey. Creating a leader/follower relationship between handler and dog is still very important, and it is important to use the leash as a tool and not a crutch. A properly trained dog should be willing to obey whether the leash is present or not.

Dog Training - Leash/Collar Training

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Anthony Stai owns and operates the #4 (Google) site for As Seen On TV products and has loved animals all his life. Please visit his Pet Trainer page for unique pet training product that works with both dogs and cats.

Five Steps For Socializing Your Dog To Other Pets

By: Anthony Stai

Socializing your pet to accept new dogs into the household is not always an easy task. We all read the biblical account of Noah and his Ark and wondered just how he got the dogs to survive in the ark together for five minutes let alone 40 days and nights of rain. The dog usually has its own ideas of its territory and home and is generally not a generous creature when it come to sharing but would much rather chase the intruders away. We have to reprogram the dogs thinking to make it understand that chasing the cat or iguana or whatever other pet you may have, is not acceptable. So how about some instruction on just how it's done?

For the First tip, Insure the Safety of Both Dogs and Yourself. To start, make certain that the new animal will be safe. Place the new pet in a pet carrier or some other sturdy structure that prohibits the dog from actually physically contacting the animal but still allows for both dogs to see, smell and hear each other. This provides a way for both dogs to acclimate to each other in a safe, though possibly a bit stressful, situation. In later steps, gloves might be advisable to avoid scratches from a nervous pet.

Secondly, Rewards Work Wonders. After the dogs have both calmed a bit give them each a small reward, such as a morsel of some favorite food. Be sure to give the dog lots of verbal praise and affection when it is not barking or trying to get to the new animal as this will show the dog that you are accepting of the new pet's presence and you expect him to be also. Repeat this process several times over the course of a week or so, until both dogs seem fairly accustomed to the presence of the other and their aggressions seem to have subsided. At this point, you are ready to move on to the next step and tip number three.

The third tip to socializing your animal is Get Help. This step will require an assistant to help with one of the dogs. Have the assistant leash the dog and hold him firmly on a very short leash. After instructing the assistant to maintain control of the dog, open the pet carrier and bring the new pet out carefully. Your dog will likely move towards the animal so be sure the assistant has the dog held tightly and be careful not to let the new pet panic and escape your grasp. Gradually bring them closer together and let them calmly adapt to each others presence. Repeat this step several times over the next few days and by the end of the week, these two dogs should be like old chums.

Another tip to remember in socializing your pets is that, while the dogs most likely won't make an instant attachment to each other, there are those special picture perfect moments that you will want to cherish a lifetime. So keep the camera handy and loaded with film. The candid shots of training at its best provide memories that will last forever. Few things are more fun than looking at a picture of your dog with an iguana riding around the room perched on his back and telling a little white lie that you taught the two of them to do that.

Our Fifth and final point is remember that just like humans, not everyone is going to get along. There will be days where the dog and the cat are going to feud or the iguana will get cantankerous and slap the dog with his tail for the fun of it. Some dogs were just never meant to live in harmony but with a lot of patience and a little direction you can make your household fairly peaceable most of the time. When things go sour, just take it in stride and put the dogs in their separate areas for a bit and, given a cooling period, they will be friends again in no time.

With these simple tips you can be certain that life around your home will be much more harmonious and you might just have a bit more respect for Noah and his Ark.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several pet related topics including dog training. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Dog Training informational web site located at www.petinformation4you.com

Being Your Dog's Boss is Crucial to Training


Being Your Dog's Boss is Crucial to Training
By: Anthony Stai

Dogs, in their native state, are pack animals. We often think of them merely as independent pups and don't often mull over their unchallengeable core nature as pack animals, however. This failure to take into account the true personality of dogs can make training more complex. Similarly, understanding what it means to be a pack animal can unlock one of training's utmost secrets.

Dogs, in packs, have leaders. The leadership role in dog packs is one of immense authority. Other dogs in the pack of course subordinate themselves to leadership and will look to their leader for direction and instruction.

Of course, domesticated dogs don't travel in packs. In its place, they put together a pack based on individuals with whom they commonly interact. In essence, the owner and the owner's family members or close friends develop into the dog's pack.

This creates a superb opportunity for dog trainers. By casting yourself as the leader of your dog's pack, the dog will naturally be inclined to follow your direction, will naturally feel inclined to respect you and will show an natural need to learn from you. Since a dog's genuine social makeup will forever be seen through the natural canine point of view of packs and leaders, it simply makes sense for trainers to take advantage of this by assigning roles for both favorite and master that will make dog training principally effective.dog+training

There are a number of things a trainer can do to imitate being a pack leader. These techniques will permit your dog to discover what he will rightfully feel is his position in your family's social order and will make him substantially more amenable to your training. Some may say it is as trouble-free as 'making certain the dog knows who is the boss,' but that is an oversimplification. Being domineering is not the same as being a leader. Simply trying to enforce your will on a dog does not necessarily communicate to him that you are truly the pack leader. The gifted trainer will understand this and will take precise measures to imitate a pack leader.

Some expert-recommended techniques include:


Good leaders are reliable enforcers of regulations and rules. Leaders who also frequently 'look the other way' are not taken seriously. A dog will notice whether your rules and expectations are consistently maintained and may even test your mettle upon occasion, pushing the borders of established behavioral norms to determine who is actually in charge. By being a completely consistent leader, you are likely to establish yourself as being the head of your pack and your dog will then be a good deal more apt to follow your lead.


Leaders are appreciated not just as an arbitrary result of their assigned position but because of how they behave in that position. A firm, but fair leader is far more probable to be well-liked and followed. One must be firm with their dog when training, but cannot hold unreasonable expectations or implement their regulations with aggression or penalty. A good pack leader can still use the positive-reinforcement techniques that have been proven the heart of triumphant training. Being a respectful leader will make a respectful follower in your dog. Their obedience to you ought to be premised in respect and appreciation not in terror or humiliation.


The successful pack leader will interrelate with his dog in conduct that strengthen the notion of the social ladder. Dogs, for example, look for cues from leadership in the eyes. By maintaining eye contact with your pet during training, he will better understand your position as leader. Likewise, it is desirable to occasionally demand your dog's concentration while walking, playing or during more intense training sessions. By commanding your dog to heel and to look at you, for example, you will further strengthen your position as pack leader.

Unlocking the influence of being a pack leader can make training much more successful. With roles obviously established, one can stay away from much of the struggle others may experience while training their pets. Additionally, by assigning yourself the function of pack leader you generate an environment in which your dog will naturally look to you for its leadership. Pack guidance is an necessary component to any fully optimized training program.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Anthony Stai is a proud contributing author and writes articles on several pet related topics including dog training. You can see more of Anthony's articles on his Dog Training informational web site located at www.petinformation4you.com

All Dog Breeds Can Be Healthy with Life’s Abundance

Breeds Can Be Healthy
By: Rich1 Mattheisz1

Premium Dog Food Comparisons.A dog food comparison of many brands will reveal many brands have been recalled due to various quality control issues over the last two years. The Life’s Abundance brand has never been recalled and they would never use the inferior ingredients that were causing some of these issues with the food anyway. When you have a dog you love, it is natural to want the best for them. Their health is important and when you compare dog foods you might be shocked to find out the terrible things that are put into some of the well known pet food brands. Then you look at a premium dog food brand like Life’s Abundance and you will see the differences immediately.

Dog food comparisons show that Life’s Abundance is one of the best dog foods to feed your pet. Evaluate a high quality nutritious dog food brand like Life’s Abundance and you will see the distinction right away. This is one of the holistic and healthy dog food alternatives that all dog breeds love and can benefit from. This product is made in a human grade facility and there are no harmful ingredients or by products like feet and intestines used in other pet food brands.

The first five ingredients listed on a dog food label are very important when evaluating dog food. Look for ingredients that are unhealthy or not nutritious like artificial flavors, artificial colors, preservatives, corn, corn gluten, wheat or wheat gluten and soy. For example Eukanuba uses corn meal which is not easy for pets to digest. It also does not contain fruits and vegetables like the Life’s Abundance brand. Purina One does not contain fruits or vegetables as well as omega fatty acids and guaranteed microbials. It also has three less than optimum products in its top 5 ingredients. The Beneful brand does contain vegetables but none of its first 5 ingredients are very nutritious and Nutro Natural has one ingredient that is not very nutritious in its top 5, but also no fruits or vegetables.

Using the dog food comparison charts make it easy to see that Life’s Abundance has taken dog food to another level and it is making a dog food brand that is as healthy for dogs as it would be for humans to eat. The dog food comparisons all over the internet will show the benefits of switching your dog to a healthy diet that has quality fats, proteins, fruits and vegetables as well as omega fatty acids and antioxidants.

Article Source: http://articleaddict.com
Rich Mattheisz is author of this article on Compare Dog Food. Find more information about WeightLoss Dog Food here.

Dog insurance: Quality care for your pets

By: Robert Scott

A companion in the form of a dog is the best deal one can have in life. Dogs are known for their loyalty and warmth which they show towards their owner and will go to any lengths to protect him. It is said that it is better to care for a dog than a human being for who knows when the said relation might betray you. To care for these canine companions, one needs to be ready forever with a handsome amount. And the fact that your pet is vulnerable to diseases any time, it is better to be ready from the word go. Dog insurance is offered by number of companies these days that cover illnesses, which might strike your pet dog. One can take care of the health of these animals with the help of an insurance policy and the cost of the expensive medical bills can thus be covered in an effective manner. Rising costs is another area of concern which impels the customers to go for the insurance policy of their dogs.

Dog insurance policy covers indigenous, cross bred or exotic dogs which come under the category of pets, watch dogs, sheep dogs and hunting dogs. It provides insurance against death due to accident or diseases during the period of insurance of the dogs. Insured dogs are usually identified by the methods like tattooing, nose print and the colored photographs. Dog insurance policy can be covered under the following sections like death by accident in transit by air, rail, road, and water or show risk. Also, your pet can be covered under liability for personal injury and damage to property within the worldwide transit clause. It was reported that in the year 2007, Americans spent more than $12 billion in veterinary care alone. Now, this speaks volumes about the lengths which people go, to care for their dogs with the help of reasonable financial resources.

In many countries, policies have been introduced to cover the purchase price of the animal if an accidental death occurs. Usually, general care and emergency situations are handled with the help of insurance policy and directly affects the premiums paid. In a number of cases, partial and permanent disability of any nature is covered including canine distemper and Leptospirosis. However, these diseases can be prevented with the help of periodic inoculation drives undertaken by the veterinary department. Dog insurance policy actively assists in a long life for these faithful animals and allows you to plan a lifestyle which is free from the worries for your pets. This means that you don’t have to bother about the next package to cover the expensive veterinary bills of your dog. Mostly, insurance policy for dogs starts from $25 month though the premiums can vary due to the age and breed of the dog and also on the type of coverage one applies for.

Dog insurance policy makes one to care for his pet even during his old age. Most of the pet insurance companies nowadays, provide coverage for the old dogs but with an additional charge. In case of a congenital disorder or an accident, an insurance company is not liable to pay for these charges. Usually, pet insurance companies don’t ask for medical history of the dog and provide the insurance cover for them. The decision to go for a particular policy depends, however, upon the policy holder according to his pet’s specific needs which might be situational.

Article Source: http://articleaddict.com
Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about Pet insurance, Dog insurance, pet insurance online, cat health insurance, cat insurance, veterinary pet insurance. You can visit www.insuranceforpets.net

Flea treatment for your dogs

Flea treatment for your dogs

By: Jeffrey Eugenio

Having a dog also means that you need to deal with annoying fleas. Aside from getting diseases, your dog can also suffer from anemia due to losing too much blood from blood sucking fleas. Your dog can also suffer from skin irritation that can cause baldness, intense itch and inflammation throughout the dog’s body. Many dog owners tend to get confused to the many flea treatment products in the market today. Flea comb, flea sprays, natural products, topical spot-on solutions, oral growth regulator or "birth control" pills for the fleas are only some of the flea treatment products available in the market.

Even if you don’t want it, your pets can get fleas all over the place specially when they are outdoors. Even the well kept pets will be a host to fleas at some point in their lives. You can’t guarantee that your dogs will not get any fleas. There is very little you can do to prevent this from happening because fleas can be found lurking anywhere just waiting for a suitable host to pass by but there are some things you can still do to prevent fleas from infesting in your house.

You can use a special type of comb called flea comb to help you remove any fleas and eggs from your dog’s coat. Putting a little bit of oil onto the comb spines is very effective in catching those pesky fleas because they get caught or trapped to the comb. Keep a bowl of hot water close by when you do this so that you can instantly place any fleas directly into the water whenever you catch one. Behind your pet’s ears, spots in between their toes, the fur in their armpits, and under the neck are the spots that you check. Placing a white cloth under your dog during combing can help you to easily notice fleas. Do not expect to kill or get rid of all the fleas in your pet since fleas are very hard to catch.

Pure alcohol can help you in stunning the fleas as you brush out so you can effortlessly dump them into a cup of water to die. Drain the mug down the toilet to make sure that any fleas do not make it out. Giving bath to your pet regularly can help minimize the flea problem of your dog but not when you are dealing with a major flea’s infestation. There are also special shampoos in the market that is made to killing fleas but can be too toxic to use every day. Alternative products available commercially are rosewood, cedar, or eucalyptus is better choice than relying on other commercial products to take care of minor flea problems. Mixture of lemon and water in a clean spray bottle is another good alternative in dealing with minor flea problem. A little spray across the body is usually enough to solve minor flea problem of your dog, just remember to avoid getting any spray into the eyes of your dog.

Consult a veterinarian when your dog’s flea problem has reached to flea infestation level. Veterinarian can analyze your pet’s condition and prescribe the best medication for the flea infestation. There are also a lot of products available in the market that is safe to use in your home like a diatomaceous earth. This is one of the cheapest ways to handle flea problems in your home. Advantage and Frontline can wipe out adult fleas and prevents outbreak for up to 3 months. Just drop some onto your pet's shoulder and the special chemical will spread and cure on its own. Advantage and Frontline has little toxicity which makes it safe for your pet. These products are both harsh to pest but gentle to your pet’s sensitive skin. Whether Advantage or Frontline, you can be confident that your purchased item will completely eliminate the bugs on your pet’s skin. Be alert in handling such substances because these chemicals can injure you or your pet if used improperly. Ask your vet before you buy and use any product. Flea control products on the market are not the same so decide one that best suitable for your pet’s condition. Each has their own levels of success and kill different flea stages i.e. the eggs, larvae, and adults. One product or method may be effective against the adult fleas but is simply harmless to the eggs or larvae.Flea treatment for your dogs

If your pet has a bad flea infestation then you have to use a combination of these products to effectively remove those pesky fleas. Try to research on other choices or methods in controlling and reducing fleas. There are many flea control methods you might haven’t tried before so research! Your preference of a flea treatment medicine or method for your dog is very significant because it determines the success or failure in your battle against these pesky fleas.

Article Source: http://articleaddict.com
Dog Beds and Wireless dog fence are some of the pet supplies that petstreetmall offers. Don’t forget to visit our site.

Dog Health Insurance


The word insurance is one of those words that just makes you cringe. Next to putting gas in your car it seems like the biggest expense you have and there is just so much that you need. You need to keep insurance on your car (it would have been really nice if somebody would have told how big a financial drain that was going to be), if you own a home you pay homeowners insurance, if you rent an apartment you have renters insurance, you struggle with the ever soaring cost of health care insurance, and if you are a really responsible family member you have life insurance. And now you find you are hearing that you should consider purchasing a health insurance plan for your pet dog.
The word insurance is one of those words that just makes you cringe. Next to putting gas in your car it seems like the biggest expense you have and there is just so much that you need. You need to keep insurance on your car (it would have been really nice if somebody would have told how big a financial drain that was going to be), if you own a home you pay homeowners insurance, if you rent an apartment you have renters insurance, you struggle with the ever soaring cost of health care insurance, and if you are a really responsible family member you have life insurance. And now you find you are hearing that you should consider purchasing a health insurance plan for your pet dog.You love your dog, he's more then a pet, he's a valued member of your family and probably your best friend. But health insurance? You can barely afford to put food on your table how are you supposed to be able to afford to insure your pet. Besides he's just a mutt, dog health care insurance is for fancy purebred show dogs, not your rescue pet.

The shoestring you’re probably living on is the very reason you might want to consider putting pet health insurance on your pet. The average dog owner takes their pet dog to the veterinarian approximately 2.3 times a year and it will cost you approximately two hundred and eleven dollars per year. My guess is that each time you pay the vet bill your budget is screaming for mercy.

What happens if your dog contracts a disease, or gets hurt? It doesn't take much to rack up some pretty serious vet bills. What if you have to leave town and can't take your dog with you? Can you really afford to leave your dog at a boarding kennel? You already know how much you have to pay for your prescriptions, do you really think that a dog prescription is going to be any cheaper.

Your dog is your best friend and a treasured member of your family could you really live with yourself if you had to put him to sleep just because you couldn't afford his vet bill.

It is possible to get health care insurance for your dog for approximately ten dollars a month. While it might not cover all of your dogs vet care needs it could help. If you shop around and read each plan carefully you should even be able to find a pet healthcare plan that will help pay for your routine vet visits. Some pet insurance plans will even cover some boarding expenses.

Some questions you should ask the pet health insurance company you are considering buying a pet health care policy from is whether or not your vet accepts that particular type of insurance, if there is a cap on treatments, how much is your deductible, and how will they handle any pre-existing conditions your dog might have.

Dog Health and Your Responsibility

Dog Health and Your Responsibility

Dog Health and Your Responsibility


There are many advantages to owning a dog. It gives you loyalty and love. Yet so many people neglect its health as a way to return that love and affection.

Preventative dog health care goes a long way to ensuring that your friend stays healthy for years to come. If you decide to get one, then do him a favor and become educated on how to protect his health.

Dog health begins the very minute you take ownership of your canine companion. Before you even think about beginning puppy training you must make sure that you know what type of medication it takes to ensure its health.

Shots such as Distemper, Rabies, and Parvo are absolutely essential to a long and healthy life for your pet. There are other medications such as heart worm medicine and flea medicines that are important as well.

If you are unsure as to what is involved in dog health, check out dog forums for answers on some common questions. The best advice before buying or getting a pet is to do a thorough research to determine if having one is right for you.
Dog Health and Your Responsibility
There are some questions to ask yourself before you commit to owning a dog or any animal. The first is how much time do you have to devote to the pet? Do you have enough space to accommodate one? Is its health absolutely important to you? Do you have the money to devote to puppy training and to making sure that he or she receives regular veterinarian visits to ensure its proper health?

A dog is a big responsibility. If you are unsure of any of the above questions then now is the time to carefully ponder whether or not you are ready for a pet. Dogs cost money and this responsibility lies with the pet owner.

The puppy or dog is dependent on you for everything they need. This includes their emotional well-being as well. Humans and dogs are alike in that they need love and support. You, as the owner, must be that network of love and support for them.

Dog health is important to having a fully functioning family. Dog's can bring many things to their owner. They bring love and unfailing loyalty. They deserve to have that returned to them by an owner that truly wants what is best for them.

Before you go collect your new pet, take the time to become educated. You should talk to other pet owners and then make that life altering decision.

Article Source: http://www.petsadvice.info
Mike Selvon has some great puppy training for the pet lover, where you can find out more about looking after the dog health. We appreciate your feedback at our pet training blog

Dog health


The domestic dog's health is possibly one of the best-studied areas in veterinary medicine, since the dog has had such a long and close relationship with humans. Infectious diseases are prevalent in dogs and are important not just from a veterinary standpoint but also because of the risk to public health. The most wellknown example of this is rabies. Genetic diseases are common in dogs due to the selective breeding necessary to produce individual dog breeds. Due to the popularity of both commercial and homemade dog foods, nutrition is also a heavily studied subject.

An infectious disease is caused by the presence of organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites (either animalian or protozoan). Most of these diseases are spread directly from dog to dog, while others require a vector such as a tick or mosquito. Certain infectious diseases are a concern from a public health standpoint because they are zoonoses (transmittable to humans).

[edit] Viral diseases

[edit] Rabies
A rabid dog
A rabid dog

Rabies is a viral disease commonly associated with dogs, although in recent years canine rabies has been practically eliminated in North America and Europe due to extensive and often mandatory vaccination requirements. However it is still a significant problem in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, and Asia.[1] Dogs are considered to be the main reservoir for rabies in developing countries.[2] Areas that are rabies-free, (usually islands) such as Britain, Ireland, Australia, and the American state of Hawaii have strict quarantine laws to keep their territories rabies-free.[3] These require long periods of isolation and observation of imported animals, which makes them unattractive places to move with a pet unless the pet is quite young. Areas that are not rabies-free usually require that dogs (and often cats) be vaccinated against rabies.

Historically, rabies has long been linked to dogs. The earliest mention of rabies is in the Codex of Eshnunna (ca. 1930 BC) (written prior to the Code of Hammurabi), which dictates that the owner of a dog showing symptoms of rabies should take preventative measure against bites. If a person was bitten by a rabid dog and later died, the owner was fined heavily. The sacred animal of the Babylonian goddess of health Gula or Ninisina was the dog; if a person insulted a dog, Gula caused that dog to bite the person and inflict them with rabies.[4] In the 1800s the infectious nature of rabies was first demonstrated by taking the saliva from a rabid dog and injecting it into another animal.


For a complete list, see List of dog diseases

Some diseases and other health problems are common to both humans and dogs; others are unique to dogs and other animals. Dogs are susceptible to various diseases; similarly to humans, they can have diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, or arthritis.
Rabies in dogs is a fatal disease transmitted by the bite of an infected mammal, such as a cat, raccoon, bat, or another dog. Animals with rabies suffer deterioration of the brain and tend to behave bizarrely and often aggressively, increasing the chances that they will bite another animal or a person and transmit the disease. Three stages of rabies are recognized in dogs and other animals. The first stage is a one to three day period characterized by behavioral changes and is known as the prodromal stage. The second stage is the excitative stage, which lasts three to four days. It is this stage that is often known as furious rabies due to the tendency of the affected dog to be hyperreactive to external stimuli and bite at anything near. The third stage is the paralytic stage and is caused by damage to motor neurons. Incoordination is seen due to rear limb paralysis and drooling and difficulty swallowing is caused by paralysis of facial and throat muscles. Death is usually caused by respiratory arrest.

A person or dog bitten by an unknown dog (or other animal) should always be treated without waiting for symptoms, given the potentially fatal consequences of a rabid biter: there have been very few cases of someone surviving rabies when treatment was not begun until after symptoms appeared. Depending on local laws, dogs that are showing neurological signs at the time of the bite are euthanized in order to have their brain tested for rabies. Unvaccinated healthy dogs need to be confined for ten days from the time of the bite (at home or at a veterinarian depending on local law). If the dog is not showing signs of rabies at the end of ten days, then the bitten person could not have been exposed to rabies. Dogs and cats do not have the rabies virus in their saliva until a few days prior to showing symptoms.[6] Ten day confinement does not apply to other species. A dog or cat bitten by a wild animal in an area known to have rabies should be confined for six months, because it can take that long for symptoms to start. This is an incentive to dog-owners to vaccinate their dogs even if they feel the risk of their dog contracting rabies is low, since vaccination will eliminate the need for their dog to be euthanized or impounded should it bite anyone or be suspected of biting anyone

Pattaya is renowned for its nightlife

Pattaya is renowned for its nightlife, some of which revolves around the sex oriented industry. Hundreds of beer bars, go go bars, restaurants and clubs line the busy streets, and are bustling with activity 365 days a year. Boyztown area is famous for its gay go-go clubs and bars which draw gay men from all over the world.Muay Thai (Thai Boxing) matches aimed at the tourists can be seen from many of the open-air beer bars along Beach Road and the highly popular Walking Street, which is beside Boyztown.Pattaya also has a large number of massage parlors. Pattaya is known for its cabaret revues featuring kathoeys (male-to-female transsexuals), with Alcazar and Tiffany's being the largest and most elaborate.

Chinese Girls


Chinese Girls